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5 Secrets That Boost Metabolism

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yeah, it has zero calories, but drinking diet soda may yet play havoc with your goal of having a flat belly.  

Skip Diet Soda

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In contrast to the control group, these chocolate nibblers ultimately exhibited reduced levels of stress hormones and a more regulated metabolism. Scientists hypothesize that chemicals present in cocoa regulate metabolism by mitigating tension, which can stimulate the fat-burning engines of the body.  

Nibble on Chocolate

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Maintaining a healthy metabolic rate can be accomplished by ingesting foods that require greater effort from the body for digestion. Whole foods that are also high in fiber are your go-tos. There are numerous sprouted grain breads, brown rice, oatmeal, and quinoa among the Best Complex Carbs for Weight Loss. 

Choose Whole Grains

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Simply put, the body stores them as fat. However, the economics of weight loss are not so straightforward. A study published in the European Journal of Nutrition compared the weight loss diets of two groups of males. 

Eat Carbs at Night

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The consumption of milk, which is rich in calcium, may assist the body in metabolically processing fat. Additional research has indicated that a higher consumption of calcium from dairy products resulted in increased defecation of fat rather than its retention within the body. 

Drink Full-Fat Milk

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