This vegetable is low in calories and contains nutrients that benefit your metabolic health.
Artichoke hearts are a good source of manganese, a mineral that plays a role in the metabolism of glucose and carbohydrates.
Cooked spinach contains impressive health benefits. In a 1-cup serving, you can acquire 19% of your calcium requirement, 33% of your daily iron and 17% of potassium.
If you’re looking for a vegetable rich in this type of antioxidant, look no further than cabbage.
Chile peppers have capsaicin, which is the reason behind their intense and hot flavor. This compound is associated with many benefits, from helping increase HDL (known as “good” cholesterol) and reduce the risk of chronic diseases
Kale is also rich in vitamin C, helping fight oxidative stress. This vegetable is also a good source of fiber, helping avoid blood sugar spikes, a common consequence of metabolic syndrome.