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Five Top Keto Recipes for Dropping Pounds

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Salmon smoked on cucumber slices and accompanied by a lemon-avocado sauce

This delectable recipe for cured salmon on cucumber slices is difficult to fail. Featuring an Everything Bagel spice blend and a lemon avocado sauce, each morsel is bursting with flavor.

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Bacon-Lemon Noodles Served With A Vinaigrette

You will develop a newfound fondness for this method of enjoying zucchini noodles. This significantly healthier variation on pasta retains all of its flavor.

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Instant Pot Chicken with Lemon

The tender, succulent chicken will provide you with your daily allowance of lean protein, and it pairs well with pre-prepared roasted vegetables.

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Cream and Keto Overnight Oats topped with Berries

When time for breakfast is scarce but you still need to get ready for work in the morning, overnight oats are a lifesaver.

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Scallop Curry with Zucchini Noodles and Shiitake Mushrooms on the Ketogenic Diet

This keto Thai scallop curry recipe makes preparing dinner significantly simpler (and tastier, as well). It contains an abundance of seafood and fresh vegetables and can be prepared in under thirty minutes.

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