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The Healthiest Snacks That Promote Weight Loss

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"They contain healthy fat and are a good source of fiber, and research suggests that people on a weight loss plan can eat pistachios as a calorie-controlled snack and still lose weight,"


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"By slowing the rate of digestion, fiber promotes satiety and aids in consuming fewer calories and extending periods of satisfaction."

Sliced avocado

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"Being composed of 90% water, watermelon is a sweet snack that primarily promotes hydration; furthermore, hydration may be associated with weight loss."


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"For maximum satisfaction, a combination of protein and fiber or fat is optimal; therefore, I suggest combining foods in this manner to achieve the most gratifying results."

Yogurt made in Greece with fruit

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While all fruits offer beneficial nutrients, berries have been specifically associated with weight maintenance support and intestinal  health improvement.

Fruits frozen

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"Salsa is a spicy way to incorporate low-calorie vegetables into your diet; however, you should not consume it with crisps that are higher in calories,

Chilean salsa and chilies

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While eggs can serve as a delectable breakfast option, a couple of hard-boiled eggs can also be a nutritious afternoon refreshment when a lean protein boost is required.


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