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The Underrated Weight Loss Foods That Actually Work

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Cottage cheese is an exceptionally versatile ingredient that pairs well with fruit, whole-grain cereal. Moreover, the exceptionally high protein content of cottage cheese aids in maintaining satiety between meals.

Cottage Cheese

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"The plant-based protein, fiber, and healthy fats will help keep you full so portion them in zipper bags to grab and go, especially for afternoon snacks or on long car trips,"


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"For only 70 calories, the high-quality protein and fat will fill you up and help prevent you from mindless noshing and decrease your likelihood of making impulsive food choices,"

Hard-boiled Eggs

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"This healthy whole grain contains a soluble fiber, beta-glucagon, which can help to manage cholesterol and blood sugar,"


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"This warming (or cooling) beverage serves a dual purpose: not only is it full of antioxidants and other healthy, but it has the benefit of slightly increasing your metabolism," 

Green Tea

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"Incorporating avocados into your breakfast meal (think avocado toast with an egg on top) can definitely help you feel fuller and prevent you from unwanted snacking between meals,"


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